Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Wilson's story

It is 'onces' time on the farm - elevenses. Time for a cup of tea and a snack, and to tell you a dog story...
On the farm there a few dogs, often others come and go. Several years ago, a dog arrived and was a bit of a trouble maker, chasing farm animals etc. The owner of the farm asked for him to be shot. (sounds harsh, but the naughty dog could have done a lot of damage and hurt other animals).
One of the staff shot him, but only in the shoulder, the dog was driven a few miles away from the farm and abandoned.
A few weeks later, however, the dog reappeared. Again, he was put in the truck and taken 6 or 7 miles away and left.
This time it took him 4 weeks, but sure enough he found his way back. Wanting to be rid of the nasty dig once and for all, this time the lady who owns the farm asked her husband to make sure the dog couldn't come back.
He drove the dog 12 miles away, and left him.
After 7 weeks the problem dog was all but forgotten. You can guess the end though- once again he found his way back to the farm. At this point the husband and wife decided that anyone who wanted to live there so much that they would keep coming back should be allowed to stay. Wilson still lives here, and since being back he has settled down completely, maybe he is grateful for the home!

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